

A keen learner himself, Dr. Kumar is always looking for new ways to improve treatment and surgical techniques to reduce discomfort and recovery times for a patient. He strives to contribute in improving the healthcare system by ensuring an increased access to better healthcare to people. Under his guidance we provide Holistic training to healthcare professionals, doctors, and surgeons as we have established a centre of excellence in training and education to ensure the highest quality of patient care. The centre, under Dr. Kumar’s expert tutelage gives a cutting edge to the medical personnel and enables them to deliver the best in healthcare by consistently upgrading their skill set.


Dr. Anshuman Kumar’s philosophy is:-



“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” – Aristotle

I believe that the key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. A good doctor is not someone who can just treat and cure but who can heal and touch the lives of their patients in a holistic way.

I look forward to being an integral part of your personal and professional growth. By joining our modules ranging from 1 month to 6 months you will be part of my vision to build a unique structure of learning that drives excellence in healthcare and surgery. Our modules, short courses and upskilling programs aim at embodying the principles of cultivating critical thinking, ethical practices and developing the ability to practice in a wide range of clinical and surgical care while maintaining a value based healthcare for the patient community. Having performed surgeries and trained doctors across the world in many cities and countries, I strive to create change catalysts who will transform the existing healthcare system not just in the country but also overseas. I practice Yoga and meditation to keep a calm mind while performing the toughest of surgeries and guide my students to effectively follow my techniques through counselling. Through our training programs, I aim to impart to my students not only on hands on clinical expertise but will also train them to deal with multiple complexities and quick decision making in a high pressured environment where every minute may make the difference between a life saved or lost.



The medical educational programs are specifically governed by General Laws of the country, more specifically Consumer Protection Laws which restrict unfair trade practices including substandard services than promised and violation of specific contractual obligations.